Mosque, also known as Masjid, is the most sacred place for Muslims around the globe. They gather there to offer prayers and worship God. For this reason, it is crucial to maintain its beauty and integrity.
The most crucial element of the mosque is its carpets. They not only improve the beauty of the Masjid but help to improve the prayer experience. Ultimately, it is mandatory to clean and maintain the floor covering of the mosque. So, in this blog by Rugs and Carpets, we will include the top 10 special maintenance tips for mosque carpets.
Tips and Tricks to Maintain The Mosque Carpets
The main thing to keep the carpet for the mosque in pristine condition is proper maintenance. There are many ways to maintain them, but here we have listed 10 of them. Check them out:
1. Make a Habit of Vacuuming Them Daily
We all know that the mosque is a place that experiences high foot traffic. Ultimately, it is obvious that dust, dirt, and debris easily accumulate on Mosque Carpets in Dubai. So, one of the best and easiest ways to protect the carpet from these elements is daily vacuuming.
While vacuuming, make sure to use it on the very gentle suction setting. The reason is that on the high suction setting, there are chances of fiber damage. Dust and debris normally Accumulate at the corners, so you must pay great attention to these areas.
It is best to vacuum these carpets daily, but just in case you can’t manage time, then make sure to make a habit of thoroughly vacuuming them twice a week.
2. Always Act Quick When Stain Occurs
The spills and stains commonly occur in mosques. They are bound to happen in the areas where people eat and drink water. So, if any spill or stain happens, then it is necessary to act fast.
If the spill is fresh, then grab a soft microfiber cloth and start bolting the area. Also, keep in mind the best approach to remove the spill is to blot it instead of rubbing it. If you rub the stain, then it goes deeper into the carpet fibers and becomes difficult to remove.
On the other hand, if the stain is fresh and tough, you have to use some cleaning solution. You can also create your cleaning solutions by mixing mild detergent in water. First, use this solution on the hidden areas of the carpet to check whether it causes discoloration. If it does not affect the color of the floor covering, then apply it over the stain and leave it for 10 mins.
3. Deep Clean the Mosque Carpet Twice a Year
Vacuuming the carpets daily or weekly is the best practice, but they do require deep cleaning to remove accumulated dust and dirt. For this, it is necessary to hire some professional carpet cleaning services. The experts use different dirt extraction methods by using steam or hot water to deeply clean the carpet. Besides all that, they are trained and know how to treat different types of floor covering without damaging them.
4. Use High-Quality Carpet Protectors
Another best maintenance tip for mosque floor carpets in Dubai is to use carpet protectors. They are usually available in the form of sprays or sealants. So, apply enough of these flooring protectors over the mosque carpets. They will help to prevent the dust and dirt build-up in the carpet by acting as a barrier.
Before applying these protectors over the carpet, always check that they are suitable for your carpet material. We recommend you read the manufacturer’s guidelines before buying these protectors to avoid any damage.
5. Minimize the Direct Sun Exposure
According to the research, the carpets in the mosques fade and are damaged due to their direct sunlight exposure. Let us tell you why direct sunlight causes trouble to the floor covering. The dazzling sun rays make the carpet fibers weak, which ultimately makes them prone to damage. The best practice is to use high-quality window coverings that will act as a shield between the sunlight and carpets.
Alternatively, rotate the carpets occasionally to ensure that no single area is constantly exposed to sunlight to minimize the chances of damage.
6. Place Rugs or Mats In High-Traffic Areas
new places in the mosques experience maximum foot traffic. These areas include the entrance, main prayer spaces, and more. These areas are at high risk of wear and tear. So, to protect them, it is best to use round rugs or mats. These floor treatments can easily be cleaned and replaced. Always choose the non-slip mats or rugs to minimize the accidents.
7. Avoid Placing Heavy Furniture Over the Carpet
Another best approach to protect your mosque carpet from damage is to avoid placing heavy furniture over it. If you place heavy furniture like benches and tables over the floor covering, it can cause fibers to indent. If it is crucial to place the furniture, then it is recommended to use the furniture pads.
8. Try to Maintain a Controlled Environment
The lifespan of the floor covering directly depends on the environmental conditions of the mosque. So, it is crucial for the sake of the carpet to maintain the humidity and temperature inside the mosque. This approach will protect them from sagging. Install air conditioners and dehumidifiers to keep inside air dry and prevent mold and mildew growth.
9. Always Hire Experts for Carpet Installation
Hiring experts for carpet installers is as crucial as buying the best carpet for the mosque. Most people think hiring the installers is only for convenience, but that is not true. Professional carpet installation services extend the lifespan of the floor covering. The expert installers first prepare the floor. After that, they lay down the carpet with high-quality underlay, ensuring that there are no wrinkles and folds. If the carpet is not properly installed, then it can cause wear and tear and can be the reason for accidents due to folds and wrinkles.
10. Do Regular Inspections
The last but not the least is to do regular inspections of the carpet. This practice will help identify potential problems like mold and mildew growth early. Make sure to check the areas with a high chance of stains and carpet thinning. It is also best to look at the frayed fibers and loose edges of the carpets. Moreover, occasionally check for any damage due to the heavy furniture. When you regularly inspect these issues and treat them immediately, you will be saved from costly repairs.
Final Words
These are the top 10 special maintenance tips for mosque carpets. So make sure to maintain the mosque floor coverings to keep them beautiful and clean. Follow the above-mentioned maintenance tips and enjoy the beauty and functionality of the mosque carpets for many years.
Also Read: Dubai’s Mosque Carpet Trends